Reserves Roster

RBL does not have a retired roster, we are like the hotel california, you can check in but you can never leave bwahaha! Instead we place those inactive in reserve status. We find this works well when members decide to re-up and play again, we can easily place them back in an active division with the flick of a switch.

MemberComlink ProfileBSC ProfileAdditional DutyEnlistment
Admiral ZarathosComlinkBSC: 267Founder1999-12-18 (25 yrs)
Admiral CrysaniaComlinkBSC: 8343High Command1999-12-18 (25 yrs)
Admiral SteeltoeBSC: 1643High Command1999-12-18 (25 yrs)
Admiral SnoopyComlinkBSC: 16673High Command2001-05-14 (23 yrs)
Admiral VaderComlinkBSC: 12761High Command2000-04-30 (24 yrs)
Captain WolverineBSC: 76221999-12-19 (25 yrs)
Captain WraithComlinkBSC: 13558Squad Leader2001-09-22 (23 yrs)
Captain LethylBSC: 14572Executive Officer2000-06-12 (24 yrs)
Captain OrdyhComlinkBSC: 8341Flight Leader2000-01-29 (25 yrs)
1st Liuetenant VaderCatComlinkBSC: 2112727Squad Leader2000-09-24 (24 yrs)
Liuetenant ReprahBSC: 2704Fleet Advisor2000-03-05 (24 yrs)
Liuetenant RazorBSC: 8116Flight Leader2001-01-16 (24 yrs)
Chief Officer SimonComlinkBSC: 11981Squad Leader2001-03-02 (23 yrs)
Officer 1st ShinyMiteBSC: 13284Squad Leader2000-02-16 (25 yrs)
Officer 1st RancorBSC: 11126Executive Officer2000-03-12 (24 yrs)
Officer 3rd InnuendoBSC: 74342000-01-02 (25 yrs)
Officer 3rd DarkComlinkBSC: 11411Executive Officer2001-02-24 (23 yrs)
Officer 3rd SlayerBSC: 14914Executive Officer2000-06-21 (24 yrs)
Officer 3rd MurdockComlinkBSC: 2145Executive Officer2000-11-17 (24 yrs)
Officer 3rd AntillesJediComlinkBSC: 12535Flight Leader2001-02-23 (23 yrs)
Officer 3rd C-GradeBSC: 10067Flight Leader2000-02-02 (25 yrs)
Officer 3rd DogtoothBSC: 16737Flight Leader2000-08-03 (24 yrs)
Officer 3rd Elita_1BSC: 11100Flight Leader2000-07-15 (24 yrs)
Officer 4th IcyColdBSC: 172882000-08-31 (24 yrs)
Officer 4th ChronosBSC: 107522001-02-11 (24 yrs)
Officer 4th BoozerBSC: 109032001-02-13 (24 yrs)
Officer 4th LavotsBSC: 70912000-09-22 (24 yrs)
Officer 4th JonSnowBSC: 63422001-06-14 (23 yrs)
Officer 4th MojoJojoBSC: 198Flight Leader2000-10-26 (24 yrs)
Officer 4th VaporComlinkBSC: 1410Flight Leader2000-11-06 (24 yrs)
Officer 4th VaporComlinkBSC: 1410Flight Leader2000-11-06 (24 yrs)
Chief Pilot Blue BomberBSC: 39392000-03-07 (24 yrs)
Chief Pilot HondoComlinkBSC: 1382Flight Leader2000-11-09 (24 yrs)
Chief Pilot ArsonBSC: 17438Flight Leader2001-06-03 (23 yrs)
Senior Pilot NorghiBSC: 287892001-09-21 (23 yrs)
Senior Pilot MauitzerBSC: 208702002-01-20 (23 yrs)
Senior Pilot RazenComlinkBSC: 150872002-04-02 (22 yrs)
Senior Pilot ChknhawkComlinkBSC: 85091999-01-02 (26 yrs)
Senior Pilot FoxhoundBSC: 8312000-11-03 (24 yrs)
Senior Pilot SteffiBSC: 159802001-05-19 (23 yrs)
Senior Pilot ScarecrowBSC: 230412002-02-12 (23 yrs)
Senior Pilot DemooniacBSC: 19820Flight Leader2001-08-28 (23 yrs)
Pilot 2nd MuzikittyBSC: 151802000-06-25 (24 yrs)
Pilot 2nd CoolmanBSC: 163482001-06-23 (23 yrs)
Pilot 2nd OmegaDoomBSC: 159752000-06-11 (24 yrs)
Pilot 2nd EightguyBSC: 110892000-08-27 (24 yrs)
Pilot 2nd SliderBSC: 203432001-03-04 (23 yrs)
Pilot 2nd Dark CurseBSC: 148932001-09-26 (23 yrs)
Pilot 2nd RegieTheBadBSC: 147212000-06-19 (24 yrs)
Pilot 2nd KwaHyergBSC: 225662002-01-21 (23 yrs)
Pilot 2nd BobLeFouBSC: 184362001-07-03 (23 yrs)
Pilot 2nd WoodstockBSC: 174482001-06-08 (23 yrs)
Pilot 2nd Stone WolfBSC: 34142000-04-30 (24 yrs)
Pilot 2nd MadCapBSC: 202262001-09-09 (23 yrs)
Pilot 3rd KaydenBSC: 125072001-03-16 (23 yrs)
Pilot 3rd KalumpaBSC: 101962002-01-21 (23 yrs)
Pilot 3rd NeuterCatBSC: 32102001-09-22 (23 yrs)
Pilot 3rd JackalBSC: 102462000-02-10 (25 yrs)
Pilot 3rd Rogue WolfBSC: 231602002-02-17 (22 yrs)
Pilot 3rd GunslingerBSC: 29222000-11-30 (24 yrs)
Pilot 3rd RhaffBSC: 108362000-03-10 (24 yrs)
Pilot 4th PlagueBSC: 222922002-01-16 (23 yrs)
Pilot 4th DarthDjinnBSC: 184782001-08-08 (23 yrs)
Pilot 4th SteelerBSC: 233412002-02-26 (22 yrs)
Pilot 4th DarkAgentBSC: 101802000-02-10 (25 yrs)
Pilot 4th DarkJediBSC: 221492002-01-04 (23 yrs)
Pilot 4th GrayshadeBSC: 200602001-09-13 (23 yrs)
Pilot 4th DragoBSC: 232412002-02-22 (22 yrs)
Pilot 4th CrookedRainBSC: 180382000-09-28 (24 yrs)
