This time system is based on the unique precession of the equinoxes over roughly a 26,000 solar year period of the solar system in reference to Earth (Milankovitch cycles). The solar year consists of approximately 365.24291 days per year, with an addition and subtraction of days every 4 years, 128 years, 3210 years, and 128,000 years to create an accuracy within one day over a 10,000 year period.

There are many time systems in use, all of them are respected and honored, which can certainly be used by anyone for any purpose. It is not recommended to use this time system for scientific purposes when a universal/non-earth constant is desired, as this time system is directly proportionate with Earth rotations.

As there are no time zones within this system, the time should be consistent with UTC (Universal Coordinated Time).

Structure of the time system

The time system is essentially divided into seven (7) parts as illustrated below:

Comparison using current time
Element Gregorian Earth Time
Era n/a 1
Year 2025 13
Arc 08 (week) 12
Season n/a 2
Moon Cycle 20 20
Day and Name 17 (Monday) 4 (JOVIUS)
Hour/Min/Sec 03:47:50 UTC 03:47:50
Decimal fraction of day 0.15822 UTC 0.15822


Example formats using 1-Jan-2013 11:54:11 UTC for conversion
Earthdate (full):

Breakdown of elements:

 1   0001  03  1 20   2  . 49596
 ^   ^^^^  ^^  ^ ^^   ^    ^^^^^
Era  Year  Arc | Moon Day  decimal
Earthdate (abbr):


The abbreviated version drops the Era and any left preceding zero's from the Year with the remainder unchanged. It is only recommended to use the full Earthdate when near an Era change, which occurs every 3210 years.

Earthdate (phonetic):


one zero three one two zero two point four nine five nine six

Expanded format:

MONS E1:Y1:A3:S1:M20:D2 11:54:11 UTC
