Squad Leader Duties
- Evaluate squad status. Do this using the Club Members function of BSC and checking how long it’s been since your pilots last flew. If 3 months have passed and you haven’t heard anything from the pilot, send them to Reserves.
- Maintain communication with squad members, either by email, ZM, ICQ, or any other messaging service.
- Give out promotions. Follow the Guideline if you choose to assess and recommend promotions.
- Keep the squad pilots interested in staying. Your discretion on how to do that.
- For choosing a FL and XO, again, it is highly recommended that you follow the guideline and choose the best pilots for the jobs.
- For both regular promos and others (FL and XO) make a list of recommendations, get their stats from BSC, and send them in an email to the ENTIRE Senate for approval. Use their individual emails for best results.
- Stress that they HAVE FUN!
These duties were created by RBL_M1A2Tanker