Promotion Guidelines
Ranks are necessary in any unit. Without them, there would be chaos. There wouldn’t be any leaders. In RBL, we have ranks that reflect a pilots time and effort, as well as skill.
The following is a guideline for Admirals, Squad Leaders, and Flight Leaders. It doesn’t have to be followed, yet you may follow it if you so desire. Its purpose is to give officers a general idea on how to base promotions, and how fast they should be. It is a flexible guide as well, as you don’t have to follow it to the letter. You use it the best way it suits your command style. Keep in mind, this guide is subject to change, and may change without warning. Also keep in mind that it is for Squadleaders andc Flight Leaders to use when recommendig pilots for promotions. The ReBeL Senate does all the actual promoting, and this is iron clad.
This from the RBL Senate for all to see: Any promo to officer or promo of an officer WILL be approved three members of the Senate, one of which must be an Admiral.
For new pilots, the rank comes quickly, starting with Pilot 4th. After each war that they participated in, regardless of stats, they go up a rank, all the way to Senior Pilot. At this point the rank acquisition slows down, and stats, usage of the commlinks, or both may come into play.
Chief Pilot – moderate usage of commlinks and at least 10 games in wars after 2 months (or wars, your choice) as Senior Pilot
Officer 4th – moderate usage, at least 10 games in wars, after 3 months (wars) as Chief Pilot
Officer 3rd – moderate usage, at least 10 games, after 3 months (wars) as Officer 4th, 1 month (war) as FL (optional)
Officer 2nd – moderate usage, 10 games, after 3 months (wars) as O3, 1 month (war) as FL (optional)
Officer 1st – moderate usage, 10 games, after 3 months (wars) as O2, 2 months (wars) as FL (optional)
Chief Officer – moderate-heavy usage, 10 games, decent stats (optional), after 4 months (wars) as O1, 3 months (wars) as FL or SL (optional)
Lieutenant – moderate-heavy usage, 10 games, decent stats (optional), 4 months (wars) as CO, 4 months (wars) as SL
1st Lieutenant – moderate-heavy usage, 10 games, decent stats (optional), 4 months (wars) as Lt, 3 months (wars) as SL
Captain – moderate-heavy usage, 10 games, decent stats (optional), 5 months (wars) as 1st Lt, 4 months (wars) as SL
Lt. Commander – moderate-heavy usage, 10 games, decent stats (optional), 6 months (wars) as CPT, 6 months (wars) as SL
Commander – moderate-heavy usage, 10 games, decent stats (optional), 7 months (wars) as LtC, 7 months (wars) as SL
Commodore – moderate-heavy usage, 10 games, decent stats (optional), 8 months (wars) as CDR
Rear Admiral – moderate-heavy usage, 10 games, decent stats (optional), 9 months (wars) as COM
Admiral – moderate-heavy usage, 10 games, decent stats (optional), 10 months (wars) as RA
From the rank of Captain to Lt Commander and above, the pilot must have held a Squad Leader position at least 6 wars. Commodore, Rear Admiral and Admiral MUST have approval by all on the ReBeL Senate.
Remember, this is just a guide. Use it the way that best suites your command style when recommending promotions.
May this guide help you be the best officer you can be. GO RBL!