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Ok trying to Make the City work in Daatoine
Ok so far we have 5 residents right next to the RBL reb outpost #2 on the hill so we are planning to get just 5 more near that base maybe to circle around it not too close but not farther than 150m away cuase that is our radius for a first stage city. Once we get 10 homes there we will take the reb base out and exchange it for a City hall! If all goes as plan we can have our city near the present RBL location. Which means we dont have to move! So cross your fingers and get 5more to use small houses  on the new area( Founders ground ) as we call it and lets see if RBL city will finally work!
Any way we could just move our current residences over to the other spot?
Tanker (tangk'er)n. 1. A dusty, crusty, grease-covered, dirty, sweaty, bright eyed, fuzzy faced, haircut-needing, beer-drinking, underrated, over-worked, underpaid, oversexed, little s%#* who can take a Tank and do more battlefield damage in ten minutes than a grunt squad can do all day.
Yeah, you can....IF you remove ALL your items in your house BEFORE you take the house down and relocate it.  Otherwise, if you destroy the house and save the deed to move it, you'll LOSE everything you had inside it in the process. 
    If it's just that you don't have another house available, see Aslan or myself and we can take care of THAT little CAN have more than 1 house at once, all you need are the available lots to do it with.
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.
Honestly I'm not sure if I have the lots, but I'll make sure to check. 

It's not like I can't put all my stuff up in my yacht temporarily.
Tanker (tangk'er)n. 1. A dusty, crusty, grease-covered, dirty, sweaty, bright eyed, fuzzy faced, haircut-needing, beer-drinking, underrated, over-worked, underpaid, oversexed, little s%#* who can take a Tank and do more battlefield damage in ten minutes than a grunt squad can do all day.
Very important detail about placing new houses, or moving your house to Dantooine...

Make sure that after you set up your house, you go into the structure management terminal, and "Declare Residence". Just settting a house next to our City Hall is not enough, you must be sure to set your residency there.

Each player has, I believe, 9 lots to start.  If your like me and have no available lots, and DON'T or CAN'T move everything out of your house easily, just take down 1 or more other structures, to free up the needed lots.  Just make sure to SAVE THE DEEDS for the structures(ie sufficient maintenance money) so you can put them back up at a later date when you make the lots reavailable.  A small house, which is what we're going for to get this started with room being limited, takes 1 or 2 lots depending on the house type.
  I helped fireyone get his placed moved over to the new location last night(a couple friends of his played exterminater - much appreciated).  That makes 6, so if Tank get's set up, that's 7...we need 3 more yet to make the 10 founders.
  Aslan, once this city hall is up and you become mayor, I hope 1 of your 1st duties is to set up an extermination patrol for all these DEADLY VARMITS we lower powered folk are having so many problems with.  Speaking of which, I REALLY SHOULD get started on a cloning  I'm trying to remember how many citizens we need for 1 of THOSE.  :Smile ;D ;D
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.
In the future moving will become easier, look at this Friday Feature article:

THAT would be very handy.

I wonder when they'll do that publish?
Tanker (tangk'er)n. 1. A dusty, crusty, grease-covered, dirty, sweaty, bright eyed, fuzzy faced, haircut-needing, beer-drinking, underrated, over-worked, underpaid, oversexed, little s%#* who can take a Tank and do more battlefield damage in ten minutes than a grunt squad can do all day.
Prob. the day AFTER we make the move.  Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D BTW, how goes the new job and when do ya think ya might get YOURS moved over?
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.
Job is looking good, but I couldn't say just yet about the moves I must make.
Tanker (tangk'er)n. 1. A dusty, crusty, grease-covered, dirty, sweaty, bright eyed, fuzzy faced, haircut-needing, beer-drinking, underrated, over-worked, underpaid, oversexed, little s%#* who can take a Tank and do more battlefield damage in ten minutes than a grunt squad can do all day.

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