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A lone figure stands in front of the large stone....
like some many before him, he takes in the surroundings...the grassy, parklike setting....the natural gas-fired flame....hears the wind, cool now so late in the season, rustling the remaining leaves still hanging on the trees. Senses, keener than the average humans, picks up the faint,whispering echos of conflicts that have gone on before. A newspaper page rolling by, blown by the wind, hints of present conflicts still ongoing, in faraway lands. Noticing the lettering on the stone, he reads the inscription: "Here lies the body of an unknown soldier, his identity known but to God". Solemely, he takes off his antiquated flying cap and goggles, stands at attention, and salutes *S*. "Thank you" he whispers. "Your sacrifice will NOT be forgotten."
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.
From the granite steps behind the lone figure, another stands quietly, giving a silent, somber, respectful moment of silence, bowing his head slightly under his brown robes.
Tanker (tangk'er)n. 1. A dusty, crusty, grease-covered, dirty, sweaty, bright eyed, fuzzy faced, haircut-needing, beer-drinking, underrated, over-worked, underpaid, oversexed, little s%#* who can take a Tank and do more battlefield damage in ten minutes than a grunt squad can do all day.
A third figure is visible in the shadows not to far from where the others stand at attention.  His position given away only by holographic hawk squadron emblem on the sash worn over his brown robe of the jedi.  He snaps up a crisp salute and holds it......................*sending this thought to tank and the masked beagle through the force*  "I'm with you my brothers"
There is no emotion:  There is peace.  There is no ignorance, there is knownledge.  There is no passion, there is serenity.    There is no chaos, there is harmony.   There is no death, there is only the force-jedi code
*sniff sniff whats that i smell argh its that black un white beagle again time the fox hit the road again *

Aka The tricky fox
Always letting his presence be known when necissary, yet another dark (darker) figure stands clothed in black, with a large hooded robe, visible by a small blaze of flames in his eyes. Removing the hood from his head, the dark-sith raises his right hand, and salutes with great honor (*§*). Let it be known, that he who shall deface and defile the name of this great land, and shall stand against the forces of good, (yes I can be good), shall be punished to no end, by those who support, and love it, and those who make the ultimate sacrafice shall not be forgotten, but shall be remembered and honored.

I stand with you, brothers.
Do not under estimate the power of the dark side!
* A fifth figure, with a slight light tinge to his outline, joins the others. As he takes his final step, his body locks into a position that had long been drilled into him. His right hand comes up in a diamond hard salute as he looks on and remmembers the ones who had come before. Quietly he speaks.*

They shall be honored above all, for thiers was a sacrifice of love for ones country and the ideals of it's people. The undying want of freedom and prosperity that drives those brave souls shall not ever be forgotten. Those who wish to stand against them and soil thier efforts will have to answer to the Almighty.

It's best to watch a furball collapse, analyzing the movements of the enemy. Watch how they maneuver, when they fire, how they break. Visualize your own attacks against those observations, then go in for the kill. Sometimes, though, you don't get that advantage. It's at these times where you go in guns blazing, but keep your head on a swivel.

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