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5 reasons
;D A big howdy folks it's time for everyones favorite game "5 reasons" this is where you give 5 reasons why you like something or someone!! Ok todays topics are.............Aslan and green eggs and ham! rdy go!!!............This program is brought to by SMBC (station morale booster club) back to our program............ ;D
I like Aslan because he's very very vain Smile
I like Aslan because he's big, blue, and furry!
I like Aslan because he's a good friend with his book of Yub of which he smacks the little Goku around for me often!
I like Green Eggs and Ham because they are YUMMY!
Oh wait.... thats right
I like Aslan because a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, he saved my arse in a gunfight between myself and two imperialists.

Bastage computer, sorry about double post, but it didn't take my classic ending of my message.... /snarl


☼§☼ Man53 OuT! ☼§☼
1. I like Aslan because he keeps rooties on tap.
2. I like Aslan because he knows how to make a mean bowl of rice.
3. I like Aslan because he's an excelent pilot who keeps Imps off my tail.
4. I like green eggs and ham, er, because they smell bad under Tank's desk. :Smile
5. I like Aslan because he provides said green eggs and ham.. ;D
It's best to watch a furball collapse, analyzing the movements of the enemy. Watch how they maneuver, when they fire, how they break. Visualize your own attacks against those observations, then go in for the kill. Sometimes, though, you don't get that advantage. It's at these times where you go in guns blazing, but keep your head on a swivel.
Ok Ok now 5 reasons you like Tank and the Twins!!....... :o
Why do I have a feeling that any 'twins' associated with Tank have a have a high .cal rating? ;D
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.

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