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An Experiement gone awry...
Outside of the thick asteroid field the RBL Station sat serenely. Fighter after fighter took off, heading out to do battle with other squadrons out in the galaxy once again. However, not everyone on the station is involved in the fight. As a matter of fact, there's at least one individual who was having his own battle, in a brightly lit office filled with books and overflowing paperwork. And he was deep in a book right now, writing pertainent information as he read.

"Ok, the Clone War took place prior to the ascension of Palpatine as Emperor. However it was the catalyst that allowed him to assume total control through the use of emergency powers given to him by the Republic Senate, a motion that was puth forth by Senator Binks of Naboo."

Tank put his pen down and rubbed his forehead. He could have just read it out loud and let the computer copy it to a datapad or hologram, or he could have just typed it up, but the old way of writing with a pen and paper was still well ingrained with him. It helped him concentrate, forcing him to retain more information this way.

A knock on his door brought his head up. Simon stood there gazing at his old friend with a smirk on his face. "I see you've buried yourself pretty good this time."

"Yea, but you know, even a Jedi Master must know more than just how to fight and fly." Tank rolled his shoulders about, loosening them up. "These correspondence courses though are something else. Whoever thought them up to be this indepth should be kicked out an airlock. Some of us pilots aren't all that inclined to learning."

"Like yourself right?"

"Exactly." Tank smiled widely. He stood up and stretched. "Man, I've been at this for a few hours now. Learning about the Force is much easier, and not as hard on the eyes."

Simon shrugged. "I'll take your word on that. But that's not why I'm here."

"Alrighty." Tank came around his desk, letting his muscles get used to moving agian.

"I got something I wanna show ya down in the experiment room." Simon stood up and walked out the door, Tank following. Anything worked as an excuse for a break. Besides, people were beginning to think Tank was a ghost or just dead anyways.

It didn't take long for them to get to the room that was used for Simon's experiements. Having decided to put some use to his past knowledge, Simon had been working on all sorts of things in there. Course that prompted others on the station to think he'd been becoming a ghost as well.

Seems to be a phenomenom around the station.

"So what'cha got?" Tank asked as they entered the room. In the center was a large tunnel with a model Xwing on a pedistal in the middle of it.

"I've been working on a wind tunnel, trying to see if maybe I can create some fighters or something we can use on a planet. Xwings you know aren't the best in an atmosphere, and our TIEs are even worse."

"Yea, you've got a point there." Tank rubbed his chin thoughfully.

"So I've been playing with changing shield shapes, adding thrusters, all sorts of things. Here, lemme show you." Simon tapped on some buttons, and within moments there was a raging huricane within the tunnel, and smoke flowed over the model of the Xwing.


"AAAAIIIIIEEEEE CHA!!!" A brown blur flashed by as a Ninja Ewok zoomed by in the tunnel, to vanish with a loud "PHOOMP!" at the other end.

Both Tank and Simon turned to each other. "That wasn't what you were going to show me was it?"

"Not quite. At least it wasn't the Wookies this time."

Tanker (tangk'er)n. 1. A dusty, crusty, grease-covered, dirty, sweaty, bright eyed, fuzzy faced, haircut-needing, beer-drinking, underrated, over-worked, underpaid, oversexed, little s%#* who can take a Tank and do more battlefield damage in ten minutes than a grunt squad can do all day.
Wasn't it a certain famous physicist(traditionally seen in pictures sporting wild unkept grey/white hair) who firmly believed in not memorizing anything he could read in a book? ;D Heh, of course, when history is involved, I can understand why........the history books over the years have traditionally been written by the victors, with the viewpoints of what transpired heavily biased in their favor. Food for thought.
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.
Don't inturrupt the story you! **sends Snoopy flying through the wind tunnel after the errant Ewok** Tongue
Tanker (tangk'er)n. 1. A dusty, crusty, grease-covered, dirty, sweaty, bright eyed, fuzzy faced, haircut-needing, beer-drinking, underrated, over-worked, underpaid, oversexed, little s%#* who can take a Tank and do more battlefield damage in ten minutes than a grunt squad can do all day.

Oh no, not another story from tank.

Character beware, you may be hung up in certain spots for a while!

(Those bacta tank marks will never come out.)

Hawk Squadron
After hitting the big red emergency stop button, Simon turns around sighing.

Searching through his pockets he pulls out a huge screwdriver.

"Hey Tank can you lend me a hand?" the engineer asks, "Sure thing!", Tank replied. "What shall I do?"

"Just make sure this steel panel stays in place, as long as I'm unfastening it." Simon points at the far end of the wind tunnel.

Together they manage to remove the outer shell and reveal the entire mess.

The airscrew and its bearings are covered by an indefinable substance.

Tank tips a finger onto one of the blades, then rubbing it against the thumb. "Hmmm, greasy."

"Yeah good luck the ewoks don't have such high interests in personal hygiene." Simon explains, "Looks like the mechanic is still fully operable." "It was designed to compensate these "drunken wookie mechanics" incidents." Simon winks at Tank.

"Ok lets get back to the subject."
"Can you put that panel back into place, while I recalibrate the systems?"

Tank nods.

While the jedi struggles with the screwdriver, the engineer gets back to his controls and instruments.


(Anyone can join in on this. Just trying to have one of our little interactive stories we used to do Smile )
Tanker (tangk'er)n. 1. A dusty, crusty, grease-covered, dirty, sweaty, bright eyed, fuzzy faced, haircut-needing, beer-drinking, underrated, over-worked, underpaid, oversexed, little s%#* who can take a Tank and do more battlefield damage in ten minutes than a grunt squad can do all day.
Holmes is working quietly in the main junction of the stations enviromental control conduit. *whew almost done, once I get this last panel back in place we should see 20% increase in cooling efficiency..*

Just then a blast of air and a bunch of fur spews out of an adjoining duct coming from one of the stations many labratories... soon after a greasy and neatly trimmed ewok flies out of the hole and into the panel Holmes was working on. After the fur settles, Holmes turns to the ewok shaking his head and says *you know there are much easier ways to get a hair cut on this station* ... The ewok giggled and with a "yub yub" disappeared into the darkness.

Holmes turns back to his battered panel... *well so much for getting this done today* and pulls out his mighty vac.

Rebel parts... Imperial parts... All Made on Tatooine!!!
Just as Tank was about to put one of the screws back into place, an incredible suction took all the screws, and the huge screwdriver from his hands before he knew it. All items clattered away into the end of the tunnel to vanish into its recesses.

"What the...Simon, did you turn the tunnel on?"

"No...I'm still getting ready to show you what I'd come up with." Simon's voice was muffled as he head was buried in the console, resetting the experiement.

"Well...uh..." Tank was at a loss for words for a second. "Your screwdriver and the screws for this panel just went into the tunnel."

"What!?!" Simons head popped out, covered in cables, with an odd fuse and transistor attached to his tunic. "That's my favorite screwdriver! Where could it possibly have gone!"

He rushed over, but before he could get to the tunnel to investigate, a roar filled the lab as a rather highly drunken wookie lumbered in, promptly tripping over a crate and fell flailing his arms. Which just so happened to smack the console.

"NO!" Both Simon and Tank cried, and the wind tunnel became active once again.


The lack of the panel created outlandish suction, and before either Jedi or Squadron leader could do anything to stop it, they'd been pulled against the panel.

What really sucked (pun not intended) was that the Wookie was also sucked towards the panel, roaring in absolute disbelievable confusion, wookie hairs smothering both men and the insides of the wind tunnel and beyond.

Tanker (tangk'er)n. 1. A dusty, crusty, grease-covered, dirty, sweaty, bright eyed, fuzzy faced, haircut-needing, beer-drinking, underrated, over-worked, underpaid, oversexed, little s%#* who can take a Tank and do more battlefield damage in ten minutes than a grunt squad can do all day.
A narrow furrow in the blackened durasteel gives mute testament to the quality and durability of the workmanship of Rebel Station. Too bad the same could not be said of the fighter found at the end of the same charred line. Melted plastic pieces and chucks of the fighter scattered along the strip of the landing pad was all the evidence needed to point to one thing, that this was no 3-point landing. The remains of the crashed fighter sitting askew was testament to the pilots inability to land, or even fly for that matter.

As we look closer, we can see tracks leading into the bowels of Rebel Station of a lone pilot staggering as though severely injured. Coming upon an open panel the figure decides to rest for a moment and leans on some exposed wiring from an open conduit promptly shorting out half the station

Meanwhile recently released from their furry prison and walking towards the door of the wind tunnel…

“Man I’ll never get rid of all this fur” complains Tanker.

“Not to mention the greasy Wookie smell either” Simon puts in.

“So I guess it’s back to my plan of a new coat of paint or maybe just a splash of colour we can make the fighter look even more deadly” explains Tanker, “without the cost of actually upgrading the weapons or shields.”

“Yeah but what about…CRACK!! What was that?” Asks Simon.

As Tanker opens and steps over the fallen pilot lying outside “Oh hey there Wraith, remember to watch out for those pipes that we have installed for the indoor plumbing.”

“Ahh thanks Tanker I’ll try and remember”, answers Wraith trying to remain conscious.

Shaking their heads and trying not to laugh Tanker and Simon head deeper under the flickering station lights, still arguing over the merits of a new paint job versus actual parts and the best way to get rid of unwanted Wookie hair.

“It’s good to be back hom...” mumbles Wraith before passing out unconscious under a blanket of warm Wookie hair floating down from all the stations vents…

A small streak of a craft dropping out of hyperspace apreas right outside of RBL Home as Wing Zero arrives back at base. Goku lands his trusty Gundam and leaps out of the cockpit onto the deck.

Goku: Ahh, it sure is good to be PATUY!!!! HEY!!! Where'd all this hair come from???!!!

Goku brushes all of the hair off of his flight suit and heads for his quarters. After a quick shower and a change into his Gi, Goku heads to Aslan's bar and grill.

Goku walks up to the bar where the Big Blue One is wiping out a glass with a rag.

Goku: Heya Aslan. What's the speacial today?

Aslan: Well Goku, the speacial was Nerf Teriyaki, but now it's Nerf Wookie Teriyaki.

Goku: Why the change?

Aslan chuckled a little as he set the glass onto a rack.
Aslan: Because a huge clump of Wookie hair cam eout of nowhere and fell into the Teriyaki sauce!!

Goku: I think i'll just have a bowl of alfredo please.

Aslan: Sure thing Goku.

Aslan turns and gets Goku's dish for him. Goku thanks Aslan and goes over to eat his steaming meal.

After a few (dozen) bowls full of alfredo, Goku sits back and relaxes for a while and watches Sif eating in a corner booth. Goku thinks to himself, ' I wonder if she goes for the ultimitly strong and fast types, or mabey the strong and silent type. Ah, but what am I thinking, I've always got Chi Chi.....'

Goku turns his gaze over to where Snoopy is trying to beat the top score on "Bubble Bobble" and failing miserably, as evident of the frequent "shoots!!" and "dangs!" coming from him.

After a half hour of just being lazy and watching some of his fellow pilots, Acehigh slides into Goku's booth oposite of him.

Ace: How's it going Goku?

Goku: Not bad Ace. Came back from that graveyard recon near Tralis III. NOthing there but space, space, and more space. How have you been doing?

Ace: I'm doing pretty good. I've been checking out a few new upgrades to one of the systems (HA!! Gotcha Ace!!), and it seems workable.

Goku: That's good to hear. Have you seen Tank anywhere?

Ace chuckled a little.

Ace: Yeah, I've seen him, hahaha. I saw him and Simon trying to pick all of the hair off of themselves about twenty minutes ago. Oh look, there he is now.

Tanker walked in, looking like he'd just gotten a shower, spotted Goku and waved, got some food, then joined Goku and Ace. Ace got up, and went off to do his patrol.

Goku: How's it going Tank?

Tanker used his hand to pick a piece of Wookie hair out of his teeth, then picked up his spoon.

Tank: Hairy. Very Hairy.

Goku: What happened anyways? I landed on the deck and got blasted with Wookie fuz.

Tank: Simon and I were running an expiriment that sortof backfired on us. One of the Wookie mechs got sucked into the wind tunnel, and all the hair was sucked off of him and blown into the stations ventalation.

Goku: Ha, that'll teach you to stand inside a wind tunnel.

Tank gave a moch smile and dove inton his food. After a few seconds of Goku-like eating, Tank's plate was empty.

Tank: HEY!! Phatoy! WHAT'S ALL THIS MESS!??

Tank comenced to picking hairs out of his teath.

Goku: you didn't order the special, did you?

Tank: Yes *pick* i did*pick. Why?

Goku: Well, that chicken teriyaki got blasted with Wookie hair. Aslan didn't warn you when you ordered it?

Tank: No, he just *pick* mumbled something *pick* about revenge *pick.

Goku almost fell out of the booth laughing. After wiping a few tears of laughter away, Goku composed himself, but couldn't keep a big stupid grin off his face.

Tank finished picking the hair out of his teeth.

Tank: So, did you find anything on your recon?

Goku: Yeah, i found a bunch of vacume.

Tank: So nothing eh? Well, at least we know where the Remnant aren't.

Goku: I guess so. Think you'd be up for a little gravity training later? I've upgraded it so that it can now go up to 50,000 g's.

Tank's jaw dropped.

Tank: Are you nuts? I've only been able to get to twenty g's. *Tank looked down at his highly developed arms*

Goku: Well hey! That's great for a human! My good friend back home, Krillin, is a human and he could barley hit 20, and he's realy strong. We could train at 20 g's if you're up to it.

Tank: Sure, mabey in an hour. I'll meet you there.

Tank stood, cast a dark look at Aslan, and departed. Aslan motioned Goku over to the bar and passed him a rootie.

Aslan: Did you see the look on his face when he realized he'd just eaten a glob of Wookie hair?

Goku grinned like an idiot.

Goku: Yeah, it was great. And then he started coughing like he had a hairball or something.

The two both broke out into fits of laughter, and after a few departing words, Goku left and headed for his gravity chamber.

At the door to the grav. room, Goku checked the outer monitor. It currently read "Occupied- 15 G's". Curious, Goku opened the hatch and stepped inside, shutting the door behind him.

Having trained in 50,000 g's himself, he no longer even felt the 15, but he did notice how the air seemed a little heavier.

In the middle of the chamber was a sight he didn't expect to see. Sliver slashes filled the air in a corner of the room, and, moments later, a sparring dummy fell into neatly minced pieces. The sound of a sword being sheated came from the corner.

WildSlash turned around.

WildSlash: Hi Goku. i hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your grav room for a little katana training. Some punk with a cross shaped scar on his face, i think his name was Kenshin, challeneged me to a duel, so i was geeting in a few hours of conditioning.

Goku: Kenshin? I've met him. He's cool once you get to know him, just don't ever tic him off. Mind if i join your training?

WildSlash went over to the gear rack on the wall and tossed a sheathed katana over to Goku, who snatched it out of the air and tucked the sheat under his waist sash.

WildSlash cocked an eyebrow at this.

WildSlash: You're left handed? And you've had training with a katana? This should be interesting. Draw!

WildSlash charged at Goku. Goku did not draw until the last possible second, drawing the blade from the sheath and swinging it with god-like speed in an arc around his body.

WildSlash jumped back at the last second.

WildSlash: How do you know the sacred art of the Botosia?

Goku: Because Kenshin is the Botosia, and he taught me how to sword fight.

WildSlash: Hmm, this is gonna be a good match then.

WildSlash went on the attack again, and after a few minutes, both warriors sheated thier swords and bowed to each other.

WildSlash: I must say, I'm impressed. You're are exelent with that blade.

Goku: Thanks Captain, but you almost got a bunch of times. I had to use some of my power to keep from getting nailed.

WildSlash: yes, but you saw them coming, that's very good. Is this Kenshin guy better?

Goku: Oh yes, much better.

WildSlash: Good, good. Well, I'll see you around Goku.

WildSlash departed with a wave over his shoulder.

Goku walked over to the wall console and turned the gravity a few thousand notches until it hit 20,000 g's. He instantly went Super Saiyan and began a long series of backflips, frontflips, punches, kicks, and dashes.

After a half hour, a knock sounded from the door. Goku turned off the gravity generator, relaxed down to normal, and opened the door.

Tanker stepped in. He was dressed in a forest green t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. The shirt had "Hooah!" printed in dark green on the back of it.

Tank: Ok Goku, i'm here, ready for some serious PT. No sabers this time, hahaha. I'm not repeating that fiasco from last time.

Goku: Thank Dende. The last time you almost gave me a buzz cut. Anyways, what do you want me to set it to?

Tank: Hmm, let's see if i can handle 25 g's.

Goku walkder over to the control.
Goku: You've got it. Gravity in 5.....4.....3.....2.....1.

The lights cimmed and turned red as the gravity generators kicked in.

Sweat blossomed from Tanker's brow, but he stood firm.

Tank: Ok.. Goku... Let's get.... started.

Tanker began to jog around the gravity room. Goku fell in behind him.

Goku: Eight laps around is a mile, just so you know.

Tank: Thanks.. Goku.

The pair jogged around 40 laps before stopping. Tank didn't look good, but he didn't look bad either, but he was drenched in sweat.

Tank: Good.... run.. Goku. Would you .... get me some.... water please?

Goku: Sure you got it bro.

Goku rushed over to the fridge and got Tank a pint of water, which Tank almost instantly drained. Goku ened up refilling the pint mug 4 times before Tank finished and called it a day.

Tank walked over and turned off the gravity generators.

Tank: Ahhhhh........... that feels alot better. I'll see you later Goku.

Tank turned and left.

Goku also left the chamber and headed form his quarters for a quick shower.

TBC by anyone.
It's best to watch a furball collapse, analyzing the movements of the enemy. Watch how they maneuver, when they fire, how they break. Visualize your own attacks against those observations, then go in for the kill. Sometimes, though, you don't get that advantage. It's at these times where you go in guns blazing, but keep your head on a swivel.

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