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XvT Easter Eggs
Found these browsing around tonight, haven't tried them yet. Have fun.

Egg #1 They killed Kenny

1.Enter a tournement mode (with many rounds)

2.In every round destroy the communication satilite

3. In the last round when you have destroyed it you should recieve a message which reads "Oh my god they killed Kenny"

P.S I think it is tournament mode that I done it in but I'm am not sure

Egg #2 Galactic Pizza and the mighty Tug

Choose single player,imperial training missions.
Fly the 2 player cooperative training mission called "Warhead Interception".
Once you completed it (not very easy! I recommend "easy" setting...), you will receive the message: "Quite a challenge, wasn't it? You can stop now if you wish".
Off course, you do NOT stop now!

Some minutes later you will receive some radio chatter from the station, talking about ordering some pizza. Two minutes later a fleet of star destroyers jump in to deliver the pizza. When the Station guy realizes he forgot his wallet, they launch the Heavy Lifter"Mighty Tug"...

This is quite fun to watch!!!
Rebel parts... Imperial parts... All Made on Tatooine!!!
what was that site Holmes?? doesn't seem to show up
It's best to watch a furball collapse, analyzing the movements of the enemy. Watch how they maneuver, when they fire, how they break. Visualize your own attacks against those observations, then go in for the kill. Sometimes, though, you don't get that advantage. It's at these times where you go in guns blazing, but keep your head on a swivel.
NM. it's
It's best to watch a furball collapse, analyzing the movements of the enemy. Watch how they maneuver, when they fire, how they break. Visualize your own attacks against those observations, then go in for the kill. Sometimes, though, you don't get that advantage. It's at these times where you go in guns blazing, but keep your head on a swivel.

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