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After a few delays(and MUCH hair pulling on my part) the last of the technical  problems have been overcome and the city hall for RBL is rdy to be set up.  Now it's up to our fearless leader, Aslan, to figure out WHERE we're gonna establish it.  Wink Tongue :-X ;D Just to add to the pressure on Aslan, now that I know what I'm doing to construct these large facilities, I've even included a structure, rdy to go, that's near and dear to RBL.  Yes folks, Aslan's Bar & Grill is rdy to be set up as well!!  The rooties may FINALLY be able to flow in Galaxies!

*Hey, yous can tank da members of  Local #9630 of da Wookie Teamster's Union for da speedy completion of da Bar & Grill, a facility us bums tink highly of for quenching out tirst.*

NO idea where THAT came from.... Wink Anyway, moving along....I've also now gained the ability to advertise my venders world-wide(to answer the question asked me earlier, it's located at the third level of the Merchant Skills).  Heh, I'd no sooner set up the option than I had a customer come in to investigate what I had available, so it obviously works.  ;D ;D ;D  I'm in the process of consolidating and organizing what I have available, so you should see some changes when you go in to check it out. Say hello to the girls, they're an enthusiastic group of venders.  Wink Wink Wink  (No Fireyone, they WON'T sell you the shirt off their backs, srry!  :Smile :Smile Wink ;D)

At any rate, Aslan if I don't catch you on tonight(it's late now as I type this here) I've listed the city hall for sale on my vender for safe keeping.  You can pick it up for the listed price and I can reimburse you later, or you can try to catch me online and I can pass it along to you.  Same goes for the Bar & Grill.
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.
Welp, I've hung around in there as long as I'm gonna for 1 night.  The city hall's listed as I mentioned above Aslan.  You'll have to wait til tomorrow night to pick up the Bar & Grill though.  I had a customer come in and BUY the original cantina I built, DESPITE the price I'd pu on it!! :o Ah well, it's a good start on recouping my expenses, heh. I'll have anoth rdy tomorrow night, it's too late to start 1 tonight.

On a side note though, I now have my Master Architect certificate! So I now have a WIDE range of structures and furniture I can build. THIS should keep me busy for a while..... Wink
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.
snoopy I am just going off to work 10:30 to 7:30  and then return tomarrow 7pm to 7 am soo I might not be on for a bit but what youcan do is give the buildings to the guild and we can work from there .....good Job Btw remember we need 10 solid holme in the area or the city hall will be destroyed!!....I got to go I will give you privi to drop stuff off at the hall ...cya sooonYUBYUB

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