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wow.... i've been robbed
i was bored today so i played the free trail of swg to check if anyone i knew stilled played and i went to my store in anchorhead, to find out everything i had was stolen from me...
If from your vendors... they nuke them if they dont get sold and sit in storage for too long.

I recently renewed my account to see how things were and I placed an elite harvester down to mine some copper. I didn't log in for 6 days, and it's gone. The maintenance on it ran out and only took 4 days for it to go poof... crazy. Don't think I like the new rules, I dont play often enough to stay on top of stuff that quickly. It should be fun, not worrying about logging in time so my things dont go poof.
Rebel parts... Imperial parts... All Made on Tatooine!!!
Pretty simple actually.  If you're not gonna log in often, stock up the maintenance in your harvesters, much like you already do for your houses, factories and other structures.  That way it doesn't run out between logins.

As for your Holmes has already mentioned, venders are NOT the way to store things for long terms.  Items in the venders have to be renewed periodically, or they get disposed of.  Long term storage works far better if you simply set up a few additional houses and stow everything in them.  If you're REALLY a packrat though, I recommend setting up factories instead.  A single factory can store up to 4000 items(least, that's as high as I've managed to make the capacity in 1 so far) and only uses 1 lot of the 10 allowed for each toon.  Simply make sure that there's sufficient maintenance money in them to keep them going long term afterward.  Wink
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.
no not vender i mean like decoration, paintings resources and crafting statoins where stolen from ppl i let have admin to my house...  :'(
Heh, well, that's the chance you take when you give Admin status to your stuff. I've had it happen to some of my toons as well in the time I've been playing the game.  You learn not to leave things you can't replace lying around, but rather store them in a pack on the toon.

If you want, send me a list of items that you're missing and I can see if I can make any replacements.  Beyond that, or catching some of your old buddies online, best I can suggest is to take it as a lesson learned.
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.
yeah i even had a creature thingy but luckly it had the creature still developing in it so they couldn't take it  Tongue
Not sure, but I THINK I can make those, if you want a replacement.
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.
aww i just rember i lost my model gong  :'( from the theif
Welp, if it means you have room for all the neat NEW stuff you can get in the new collector quests.
Beware my dark side......oh! Hi Dark.

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