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calling all comandos
good things for comandos ^_^ (A.K.A. me)

Heavy Weapons

Heavy Weapons are coming back to SWG!  For this first update to Heavy Weapons, there are three main weapon types:  They are the Flame Thrower (and all variants such as Plasma), the Acid Rifle and the Launcher Pistol. There are other variants of Heavy Weapons that will be available such as the Heavy Rocket Launcher and the Void.   Kicking off this new aspect to combat is a totally new type of targeting for this weaponry.

The Acid Rifle and Launcher Pistol and rocket launcher have a new type of targeting called "Location Targeting".  Location Targeting is basically a big aiming target (or reticle) that will appear on the ground.  Once the aiming reticle is on the ground, you can use your mouse to move the reticle around on the ground.  Once you find your targets you fire the weapons and launch a ruthless attack on all of your opponents in an area.

As the masters of Heavy Weapons, all Heavy Weapons are for the Commando professions, with the exception of the launcher pistol and the light flame thrower.  This will give everyone the opportunity to experiment with the new targeting technologies.  Commandos will also get additional damage bonuses for Heavy Weapons.  Let's take a look at some of the Heavy Weapons that will be available:

Flame Thrower (and all Variants): Uses Directional targeting.  Flame Throwers will spew a cone of flames and sets the ground on fire. This will be an Area-of-Attack (AoE) with a Damage-Over-Time (DoT).

Acid Rifle: Uses Location targeting.  Acid Rifles will spray a cone of acid and create puddles of noxious acid. This will be an Area-of-Effect (AoE) attack.

Launcher Pistol: Uses Location Targeting.  The Launcher Pistol shoots small rockets into the ground that will detonate a short time later.

Some Additional Details

All Heavy Weapons cost Action points to use (your green bar).  Every time you pull the trigger, you will spend action points, except for Commandos in which case it's free (no action point cost).
All Heavy Weapons reach out to 64meter, except the flame thrower which has a 20meter range.
The Proton Rifle will no longer be classified as a Heavy Weapon , but is commando only.
Special Moves cannot be executed while using Heavy Weapons , except those that do not require a target.
All Heavy Weapons fire at 1 second intervals, except flame throwers which fire continually.
Heavy Weapons deliver DOTs if you're a commando, based on the elemental type of the weapon (non-commando users don't get DOTs).
Commandos get an undisclosed damage bonus when using heavy weapons.


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