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I'm not sure who, if anyone else, is DE, but I am now. I'm grinding up to Master in the next couple of days, so put in your requests now.

Man53, can I get you to program a bunch of chips for me, plz? It's time to get some really good astromechs and programs for everyone who doesn't have them, namely me and anyone else I don't know about ;D ;D
Currently in RBL, I don't believe anyone else is.
can i have a protoical droid deed and a prob bot pleaseĀ  ^Smile^ ^Smile^ ^Smile^
What would you do with a Protocol droid?
use it as a bartender for my ship ^_^
1 protcol, 1 probot....any request on modules for each of those? such as food/drink crafting station in the protocol droid? maybe a sarcastic personality chip?
oh a food crafting staion and weapons droids gernal crafting statoin
Ok, I can do that. Let me finish mastering DE (apparently all the boxes shown aren't all the levels necessary)