RBL Comlink

Full Version: Sorry I havn't been on the Com alot
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Getting me to speak next to impossible.... ROFL... all you have to do is (Censored).

The reson I havn't been on alot is that Well I'm engrossed in a Few different games atm...

First theres SWG good (Censored) Game it has loads of (Censored) wich you will all find Very fun. We recently tested (Censored) and are about to test (Censored).

Then theres good o'l DAoC..... Can't stop playing it.....

Nah, I havn't forgotten about my RBL friends, just Meetin new people on other games and gettin addicted to them.
Heya Dark! Hmm...that sounds like the official statement....

Glad to hear from ya man. Was starting to worry.
and none of it was censered...lol

I was talking about the one I created, but that funny still Snoop.

Speaking of not being around, I might not be able to fly after all.

Wouldn't you know it? I happen to have the joystick that MS will not make drivers to make it work with XP! So I'll have to go get me a new one (not that I didn't want to anyways, but they didn't have what I wanted) that'll work for XP.

It's pretty much the only thing that doesn't work either. How annoying.
NOOOO!!!! me FUZY_dOrK!!!! come back duuuuude...wait...im retired....HIT ME ON ZM DOOOOOD ;D