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Full Version: wanna find out where i am flying haha
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hi every one

just got that sill icq so if you want the number is 227346014

snoop if you wanna fly against me just get the number mate and we can arrange some fights due to zone going down this is getting kind of difficult to get a xvt fight going any others who still fly just gives a whistle when or if you get the number and i will see if we can get one going

Aka The Tricky Fox
Senior PIlot Tongue
Heh, I know what you mean....haven't flown since it's cancelation on the zone. :'(


Hey Snoop you still flying or have you given it up till they find something else to run if off let us know as am not sure others are flying

Aka fox
Senior Pilot
I'm game, but I have yet to catch someone on.


there is usually always some one in the room what you using if you arent using djomirc not sure you will find any one djo is the one we are using


the fox