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Full Version: Odd thought just occured to me...
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The Swift and Intrepid are assigned here by Republic HQ. They can be removed at any time if needed by the Republic..or Galactice Alliance as it's going to be now it seems.

The Dreadnaught though belongs to Vapor.
And what are we gonna do with our new wingvane? Oooh!!! Can I paint a chicken on it??
The SSD Incenerator is in orbit above the station for the time being hehe. I was thinking of proposing using her for a mobile HQ. We all know it's big enough to launch operations from lol. Now if we could just find a purpose........or a reason to actually have missions lol. Ohhhhh I got it.......we could go looking for the old OBS base and shoot trout at it for practice lol.......I do have a couple prototype trout cannons on the Incenerator Smile
AH yes the cloaking device... don't forget the hyperdrive modifications I made a year ago that allowed the station to hyperspace while cloaked. I seem to have lost track of where exactly our station is at since weve jumped hypersace so much in trout avoidance manuevers, it's ... somewhere ... out there lol
Thinking about all this mine clearing we have done, we must be one hyperjump from a minefield as well.
Or maybe we just happen to jump close to one all the time? ;D
or mabey the asteroids all have hyperdrives and a navacomputer in them that's slaved to RBL Home and they jump when we jump.

LGN Garrik Loran

Where are you guys located in the timeline?

Oh geez...we don't even know where we are, now you want to know what time we fly in??? ;D

Seriously though, we were during the Galactice Civil War, and now we're more or less up-to-date with the New Jedi Order series of books.
Of course...there's ALSO the matter of our "secret" method of finding RBL base after extended absenses....... ;D
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