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Full Version: Well hello there, Old Vet's.
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Big Grin How is everybody? Fine I hope. It's been a long while sence i've seen some of your faces (§lash, VC, Vader, Azis, Aslan, Snoop, Hond, ect.)

heh great to atleast try to see you guys again. Vader i know is hitting the EverCrack every once and a while, and VC's playin with too much cat-nip' to know whats goin on Smile. The rest of you are out flyin arround chasing the dark guys Sad....

Anyway E-mail me guys, i've been kinda busy, but had some free time at school thought i'd stop by....

E-mail me at [email protected]
or [email protected]

Pweeeeeese Smile

I've been waitin' to see you guys and maybe i can hook my tie up to the generator and go for a fly or too..... I've got about 20,000 lightyears of dust on it, and 4 billion layers of rust to clean.

I've gotta go, bell has rung. Keep safe all, FF, SS, and HF

Smile ☼§☼
Man53 OuT!
☼§☼ (*S* old sk00l)
Good hearing from you Man....keep in touch. And yeah...an extra target drone for practising one's aim really helps shake the rust off...esp. when it's you. ;D


;D good to know somebody still recognizes me Smile

I have some tech work to do, and maybe i'll be getting a new comp. Not Sure though.....

If I do, the stars will be hitting my walls instead of my screen.

its great to hear from you guys, and with this school schedual i might be able to get some chat in.
I recognized that old piece of scrap you came flying home in. How yah doing Man???? Good to see you again!