Ship Point Values

Here are the point values for each of the ships. This is the way they have it set up at Battlestats.

Rebel Ships

X +1200 -300
Y +800 -200
Z +640 -160
A +1600 -400

Imperial Ships

TF +800 -200
TI +1200 -300
TB +1200 -300
TA +2000 -500
GUN +1600 -400

Kill value (+) is what the other team gets for destroying that ship while death value (-) is what your team loses for getting killed in that ship. If you do the math, this gives Rebs an advantage, simply because those craft aren't worth as much pointwise and you don't lose as much if you die in them. This means that Imperial pilots need to kill that much more and stay alive that much more for the same amount of points as Rebel pilots. Keep in mind though that sometimes a pilot flying a Rebel ship versus an Imperial does suffer a little in maneuverability in comparison. Rebel ship mostly have the shield advantage, but you can’t count on shields alone. A few, well-placed quad shots will strip shields away in a heartbeat. TFs have the advantage in rate of fire as well, since they only have two cannons, versus four. But on the flip side of the coin, Xwings have the advantage in punch.

You have to make sure you take into account the point values when you go into a battle, if a war is set up to go by points and not kills. You can be getting more kills, but fewer points. Xwings, TI, and TBs are equal in points, so you have to kill them more often to win. That, and die less.

But remember, it’s always just for fun. If you get too caught up, then you loose the point of playing. Winning is fun, but it doesn’t rule the game. It’s the challenge, and the fun that rules.
